Saturday, August 29, 2009


PhotobucketFolklore was one of the first PS3 games that I owned, and the first I saw use the 6-axis system well (where you have to move the control to get an effect.) The story was like a comic book; however this was not a comic I'd advice kids to read. Still going on with the story you could play as one of two characters. These two fall along the same time line and overlap from time to time however I wouldn't call one a main character and the other a side character. The game play was like Lost Kingdoms (will do a review on that game later) for the game cube, however with its own twists. Instead of your character fighting they "summon" minions/creatures to fight for them or use them as weapons. Also to get new creatures/minions you don't throw cards at them however you "drain their soul" (my words not the games) and use you the 6-axis to pull it out of their bodies. Another way of getting these minions is to download them off PSN (play station network), while downloading on PSN you will also get new costumes for your characters which can be cool too. Personally I found this to be a great buy when I got it (for $50 or so) and since I am sure the price went down I'd say Buy over rent. The story gets a 7.5/10, play style gets a 9/10, and fun gets an 8/10. Overall I'd say an 8/10! Enjoy!

My first post!

Welcome to my Blog, here I will write reviews on video games. I'll start out with some older games and maybe work my way to some newer ones. All in all my reviews have nothing to do with when the game came out only to do with if I think the game deserves to be posted. (I won't only post good games however.)My rateing on the game will break down into 3 different areas, graphics, playability, and fun. Hmmm other than that I don't think there is much else I can post about what I plan on doing here. So all in all I hope you all find this useful.